My Maidenhead Calculator: IO91pm

Table of Contents

IO91pm is the Maidenhead-Locator for Maidenhead

  • "IO91pm" was intended as the working-title for the development of my Maidenhead-calculator, but I got used to it. I found a a pleasing, somewhat recursive name; so I decided to keep it. See, however, below for other names.
  • This web-site was the place to document early development.
    • Since the program has reached its "Version 1" release, I moved further development to a more public repository.
    • Version 2 was released 2025-02-18. It adds some LaTeX output and a extra algorithm for the slightly over-sized earth approximation as used in the IARU contest rules.
  • There are a few points that are easier to document here, so I keep this web-page updated.


  • For another little project, I wanted a QTH-Locator calculator for the UNIX (-look-a-likes, GNU/Linux, bash) command-line.
  • There are many, some very good, online QTH resources, but I wanted something that would also work off-line.
  • There also several GUI- (X11-) based calculators, but I wanted something for the command-line, something that could also be used in (bash-)scripts.
  • The software-repository for my (Ubuntu-derived) Linux distro has only one such a QTH-calculator, but
    • This program has a few issues (I would probably have accepted)
    • Made worse by the adaption for Ubuntu, that removed half of its functionality
  • So, I had to make my own. (Which I enjoyed anyhow.)

Features of the IO91pm program

  • Proper support for 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 character locators.
    A 10 character locator specifies a cell of more-or-less the size of a house.
  • Distance and bearing calculations are based on the algorithms presented in the book: "Amateur Radio Software" by John Morris (GM4ANB) published: RSGB, Potters Bar, UK, 1985.
  • The calculations are done from and to cell-centers (instead of south-west corner, as some programs do).
    This is especially better when computing between locators of different resolutions (locators with different number of characters). But also close to the poles can the difference be significant.
  • Distance calculations are based on the best of GM4ANB's algorithms (instead of the simplest, as some programs do).
    • The simplest algorithm can introduce an error of up-to a hundred meters within a relatively small, flat and low-lying, mid-latitude area such as the Netherlands.
    • The best of GM4ANB's algorithms computes distances that fit, within a few meter, to the Dutch national grid reference system, the "Rijksdriehoekscoördinaten" system.
  • This program reports an estimate of the error range.
  • By renaming the program (or creating a (soft-) link to it) with as new name a valid QTH locator, then distance calculations will be done from that locator.
  • Most of this software will be published under the GPLv3 license.
    Except for two clearly indicated cases that use more relax licenses:
  • The program uses, for some math-symbols etc., UTF-8, when the environment seems to be able to handle UTF-8.
  • When the target-locator is given as "-" (the minus symbol), then the program will read, potentially many, locators from standard-input. The first locator-like substring on each input line is processed as requested. Useful, for example, to process tables of contest results.
  • And, lastly, the code uses τ (tau) instead of π (math pi).


The program has three main functions:

1. Conversion from Longitude and Latitude to a Maidenhead Locator.

IO91pm --toLocator ${N?} ${longitude?} ${latitude?}
  • ${N?} is the requested number of character-pairs in the locator (1,2,3,4 or 5)
  • ${longitude?} and ${latitude?} should be in decimal-degrees.
  • (See Vidar's blog for an explanation of the question marks.)

2. Describe a locator cell

IO91pm --DescribeLocator ${locator?}

3. Compute distance between two locators

and the antenna bearing in the base-locator to the target-locator. Two possibilities:

IO91pm --baseLocation ${base-locator?}  --distance ${target-locator?}
IO91pm ${base-locator} ${target-locator?}

The program accepts "dirty" locator strings that might be produced by some databases, such as Berlin JO62 or IO91iq84po near Oxford.

The program has some further minor functions:

Report the program version or print some help-text

IO91pm --version
IO91pm --help

Make output more verbose or produce minimal output.

IO91pm --verbose ...
IO91pm --quiet ...

More --verbose or -v options for even more verbose output; --quiet suppresses even most error messages

Force output encoding

IO91pm --ASCII ...
IO91pm --UTF8 ...
IO91pm --LaTeX ...

If none of these is used, UTF-8 support is estimated from the environment variable LANG. If --LaTeX is used, some output is encoded as LaTeX macro's, other output is in plain ASCII.

Select distance-computation algorithm

IO91pm --algorithm ${Alg-Number?} ...

The ${Alg-Number?} refers to the three algorithm variations in GM4ANB's book:

  • 1 - Assumes a perfectly spherical earth,
  • 2 - Assumes a sphere but with central angles corrected for an ellipse,
  • 3 - Uses an approximation of an elliptical earth.

Algorithm number 3 is the default. Another algorithm has been added in 2025:

  • 4 - Uses the IARU contest rules, assuming a slightly oversized, perfectly spherical earth.

Other algorithm variations might be added in the future.

Base-Locator and Program-names

The program obviously requires, for distance and bearing calculations, two locators: the base-location and the target-location. The base-locator is typically the location of the user; is therefore often the same between different runs of this program. The program uses some mechanisms to determine this base-locator:

  • The base-locator can be given on he command-line, as in the explanations above. It is either the first locator-string or the locator-string explicitly indicated with --baseLocation (or -b).
    A base-locator given on the command-line takes precedence over the following mechanisms.
  • If the environment-variable BASE_LOCATOR is set to a valid locator, then that is used as the base-locator when no base-locator is given on the command-line. This might be a useful approach when calling the program from a script. This environment-variable takes precedence over the following mechanism.
  • if the program is renamed, or a (soft-) link to it is created, with as new name a valid locator, then this locator is used as the default base-locator.
$ ln -s $(BIN?)/IO91pm $(BIN?)/JO30as21ma
$ JO30as21ma -d JO33il91ms
305.75 ± 0.32 km
$ JO30as21ma -d "JO11qi48fv Most westerly point in European Netherland"
198.17 ± 0.24 km
$ JO30as21ma -b JO11qi48fv -d JO33il91ms 
327.29 ± 0.35 km


The released versions of the C source files, C header files and a minimal makefile can be downloaded from the SourceForce repository.

Below are some development versions.
Compressed tar (tgz) archives can be unpacked it with one of these programs.
I also have a full set of tests, but these are not yet "publication-ready".

Be careful when including these versions in other scripts, details of the behaviour of these development programs is likely to change.

$ ls -lr *.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 30246 Mar 14 13:57 io91pm-latest.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 30246 Mar 14 13:56 io91pm-20250314.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 28887 Feb 26 13:33 io91pm-20250226.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 28391 Feb 19 16:51 io91pm-20250219.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 28391 Feb 19 16:51 io91pm-20250219.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 28321 Feb 18 12:41 io91pm-20250218.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 21574 Aug 30 12:15 io91pm-20240514.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 21566 Apr 3 19:46 io91pm-20230403.tgz
-rw-r–r– 1 pe1aqp pe1aqp 20290 Mar 20 17:38 io91pm-20230320.tgz

Known FIXED Bug

  • 2024-05-03 A bug of the "I should have known better" (or even "I used to know better") category. Careless use of floating-point arithmetic, mainly visible in incorrect overlap detection.
  • Was fixed in June 2024

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Author: Jon Krom : See Colophon

Created: 2025-03-14 Fri 14:16
